Virtual Receptionist
Our expert team of Answering Service professionals are available 24/7. exceptional. fast & efficient.
Why risk your incoming enquiries to an inexperienced operator or worse still an automated recording. A live professional virtual receptionist can deliver your personalised greeting to each and every caller.

How does a live Answering Service work?
Our virtual receptionist service is quite easy to set up. Firstly, either sign up online or call our customer care staff to set up your 7 day FREE trial. Once signed up we will allocate you a unique telephone number that is linked to your account. Next, you will need to tell us what your personalised greeting is going to be when we answer your incoming calls. This greeting can be relatively generic if you want or it can be tailored to your specific business or time of year (eg, you could have a New year message). You are not locked in to a specific message and you can change it at any time. Once we have the greeting you will need to specify how you would like your messages delivered. Messages can either be sent via email or can be delivered via SMS (for a small fee). Finally, you will need to divert your existing number to the number that we have provided and you are ready for us to start answering those calls!
View Package PricesPhone Messages
Fundamental to our service is simply taking messages and getting them to you quickly. Whether you get one call a day or 20 calls per hour our team of expert receptionists will answer those calls promptly and efficiently and get those messages to you as quickly as possible.
Call Transferred To You
We have all been through it. You are waiting for an important call but keep on getting telesales calls from people trying to sell stuff you don't want. Our receptionists can be your gatekeeper and can weed out unwanted calls and send through the ones you have deemed important.
Transfer Of Call To A Colleague
For those times when you are absolutely swamped with work but know that there is an important call expected. Simply nominate a colleague that you would like to receive that call and our expert receptionist team can look out for the important call and make sure it gets through.
Providing Your Callers With Information
How many calls do you and your colleagues get where the caller simply wants to know your address, the best train station to get to you or where they can park nearby. Whilst providing this is good customer service it's a task that our professional receptionist team can handle.
Australian Receptionists
Many of our competitors send their customers phone calls to cheap offshore call centres to be answered. We believe that doing so would be a false economy. Our receptionists are local Australians who understand Australian business practices. We don't believe in cutting corners.
No Long Term Contracts
We believe that our service genuinely helps customers to grow their businesses by giving back the time that they need. Customers stay with us because of the benefits and not because they are locked in. If a customer decides to leave they can cancel with just a months notice.
NO minimum term
NO long term contracts
Just month to month - so easy!
Get started nowYou Will Be In Great Company
We customers come from a broad cross section of Australian businesses. Here are a few examples of industries that we answer for.
We Help Grow Businesses
The work load for legal professionals is never linear. One minute you can be swamped with issues the next you will be sitting around waiting for something to happen. In addition, there are times when you absolutely cannot take an incoming call. We understand the issues experienced by legal staff and our telephone answering services provide the support that you need to keep your legal practice humming.
Work for accountants and tax professionals can be very seasonal. Depending on your client base and their year end reporting requirements you can be absolutely flat out prior to having to lodge. The last thing you need at a time like this is to be swamped with unimportant phone calls. Why not let our team of receptionists be your gatekeepers during this busy time and you can get on with business.
We have a broad range of IT consultants who make use of our services. It really makes sense for a lot of these businesses. IT consultants can quite regularly be working on extremely time sensitive tasks (especially if something has broken) and really can't take time out to deal with the less important calls that come through. It makes sense for us to answer those calls and send through the messages.
For 7 days. No obligation. No credit card required.